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Social Events

Social tours will be held on Wednesday, 16 December, 2015 at 8 am to 5 pm. Meeting point is at the lobby (1F.) of Koryo Hotel at 7:50 am. Bus will be leaving sharply at 8 am.


Technical Tour to KAIST Laboratories in Daejeon


Robot Intelligence Technology Laboratory

Robot Intelligence Technology (RIT) laboratory was founded in 1988. The laboratory has been involved in research on "the study of intelligence technology through six categories of robot intelligence – cognitive intelligence, social intelligence, behavioral intelligence, ambient intelligence, collective intelligence and genetic intelligence – and its applications for realization of Robots That Think (RTT)." The origin of artificial species, artificial creatures Rity and DD, genetic robot GeneBot, ubiquitous robot UbiBot, humanoid robot HanSaRam, robotic fish Fibo, soccer robot, personal robot Mybot, etc. are the brain children of RIT laboratory. more details


Humanoid Robot Research Center

Humanoid Robot Research Center is specializing in the development of humanoid robots. It was founded by the researchers who participated in the development of Korea’s first bipedal robot called “Hubo” by Humanoid Robot Research Center of KAIST. It has been recognized for its leading-edge technology in the field of humanoid robotics and its main product, “Hubo” has been studied at over 20 universities and research institutes worldwide. In particular, We took the first place in the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals of 2015 using DRC-Hubo. We have developed not only a bipedal robot platform but also various other robots such as a service robot, a military robot, an industrial robot, an entertainment robot and so on. We are trying hard to commercialize the mobile-based services robot, motor controllers, power controllers, sensors and a real-time robot operating system. more details


Urban Robotics Lab
Our lab focuses on the development of fusion technologies between IT and civil engineering. The research fields include construction automation, robotics, instrumentation, monitoring, inspection, control, and rehabilitation for civil infrastructure. We also deal with construction informatics supporting sensing, analysis and design activities needed to construct and operate smart and sustainable built environments. more details



Cultural Tour to Art Center Nabi in Seoul


Welcome to Robot Party!
"Robot Party" is convergence open showcase that robot and human can enjoy together. Human and Robots in various fields; art, technology, industry interact each other in one place sharing the vision. In past 15 years, Art Center Nabi has been researched convergence art in border between technology and art. By this showcase with the theme 'Robot', Nabi attempt to reach new form of convergence based on art, performance, technology, and maker culture. more details


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